Library Locker

The Library Locker is located in the pocket park adjacent to the library and off of Main Street.

The Library Locker is available for picking up hold materials 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Your hold will be available for pickup in the locker for 7 days.

How to Use the RLPL Library Locker:

1) Select items to place on hold on the MORE catalog or MORE app

2) Select Rice Lake Locker as your pickup location* 

*if you don't see the option to select a location then go to your settings 

and disable single-click holds in the Holds and Pickup location section

3) When you get a pickup notice you'll have 7 days to visit the locker

4) At the locker: Select Holds Check-Out

5) Scan or Type in library card - it must be the same barcode that was used to place the hold

6) The screen will show which locker has your items, click Select All and Check-out

7) The locker door will open. Take items, click Done and No Receipt on Screen

8) Shut the locker door and visit us again!