reading challenges
for all ages:

All Challenges are physical
copies at the library! 

winter reading challenge 2025 for all ages!

1) Stop in and pick up a reading log at RLPL during open hours to begin!

2) Mark your log every day that you read for any amount of time.

3) After 10 days marked, stop in for a bookmark, sticker, or a book-themed button.

4) Complete all 60 days for a FREE BOOK!

Examples of reading logs:

📅  We’ll complete our 60 day challenge with a family-friendly bingo event

with prizes on Friday, March 14 at 5:00p.m.

1,000 books before kindergarten challenge:

Early reading (or being read to) promotes confidence and strong reading once littles reach school age.

Don't be intimidated:  Reading one storybook together nearly every night will knock out 1,000 books in no time!

Yes, you can repeat books!
Siblings, or other guardians reading to them counts as well.

Call or message us on Facebook if you have questions: 715-234-4861

1) Stop in the library during open hours and grab your first 1,000 books tracking sheet to begin!

2) Mark your sheet with stickers, or a writing tool, every time you read a story together.

3) Bring in your sheet once all the circles are filled and trade it for the next 100 books.

4) Complete 5 sheets for a FREE BOOK, and all 10 sheets for another FREE BOOK to keep!