reading challenges
for all ages:
All Challenges are physical
copies at the library!
‘How-To’ for Children’s Passport Reading Log: Children ages 0-12
1. This summer we are asking, “did you read today?” For every day that participants read (anything/any amount of time at all! Really!) you will fill in a circle on an Adventures in Reading page.
2. Once you have completed a page, come to the library so a librarian can stamp your passport on the ‘Stamps’ page.
3. For every stamp you will receive a drawing entry form. Put the entry in the bucket for the prize you would like to enter to win at the end of the Summer! (Prizes are behind the Youth Service desk).
4. After you have received 5 stamps you can pick out a free book at the library.
5. After 8 stamps you will receive a Super Reader Yard Sign!
Please Note:
• The ‘Ideas for Adventures in Reading’ on each page of the passport are just ideas. Participants do not have to do them to complete the page.
• There is no Beanstack or virtual challenge this Summer.
teen & aDULT SUMMER challenge:
‘How-To’ for Adult/Teen Passport Reading Log:
1. The adult and teen program will run the same as the children’s.
2. Prize entries for ages 13-18 will be entered to win a Prize Basket for Teens, entries for ages 19+ will be entered to win a Prize Baskets for Adults!
1,000 books before kindergarten challenge:
Early reading (or being read to) promotes confidence and strong reading once littles reach school age.
Don't be intimidated: Reading one storybook together nearly every night will knock out 1,000 books in no time!
Yes, you can repeat books!
Siblings, or other guardians reading to them counts as well.
Call or message us on Facebook if you have questions: 715-234-4861
1) Stop in the library during open hours and grab your first 1,000 books tracking sheet to begin!
2) Mark your sheet with stickers, or a writing tool, every time you read a story together.
3) Bring in your sheet once all the circles are filled and trade it for the next 100 books.
4) Complete 5 sheets for a FREE BOOK, and all 10 sheets for another FREE BOOK to keep!